
Robotic automation has been a revolutionary technology in the manufacturing sector for some time. In recent days, the collaborative robot (COBOTs) space is growing, and by 2025 it’s expected to reach 34% of all industrial robots sold.

Current Robotic Consumer Electronics Market Trends

Robotic automation has been a revolutionary technology in the manufacturing sector for some time. In recent days, the collaborative robot (COBOTs) space is growing, and by 2025 it’s expected to reach 34% of all industrial robots sold.

How to Safeguard IoT Devices Against Cyber Attack
How to Safeguard IoT Devices Against Cyber Attack

Each of those billions of new IoT devices represents a potential weak link to gain backdoor access to larger, more critical areas of cyberspace, beyond simple Internet access, compromising hospital, and government data networks, even potentially crippling major utility grids via a cyber attack.

Using NFC Technology to Create Interactive Games
Using NFC Technology to Create Interactive Games

Near-field communication (NFC) technology enables electronic devices to communicate and it's being integrated into toys and games.

Mixed-Model Assembly Can Save You Time & Money
Mixed-Model Assembly Can Save You Time & Money

Originally developed to tackle problems created by rapid line changeovers, mixed-model assembly entails grouping products that share several similarities, including processes, materials, and work content.

Syrma Banks on e-Vehicles & IoT for Next Phase of Growth
Syrma Banks on e-Vehicles & IoT for Next Phase of Growth

The global pandemic may have slowed Syrma’s plans, but the manufacturer has seen steady growth after re-starting its operations from July last year. The Rs 75-crore investment committed through an MoU with the TN government at the Global Investors Meet is being fulfilled, said its CEO, Sreeram Srinivasan.

RFID-Tex Solutions for Textiles & Fashion Garments
RFID-Tex Solutions for Textiles & Fashion Garments

The concept of RFID-Tex is typically a textile product equipped with additional electrical/electronic components. The primary objective of implementing these components into garments is to perform an automatic identification function in an RFID system.

Growing Women Workforce in Electronics Manufacturing
Growing Women Workforce in Electronics Manufacturing

The pandemic has induced reverse migration of outstation workers, forcing some manufacturers to rethink the hiring strategy. However, the industry is currently facing a skills gap as a large chunk of the talented women workforce remains untapped.

How Net-Zero Commercial Buildings Conserve Energy
How Net-Zero Commercial Buildings Conserve Energy

People are paying more attention to energy efficiency in new construction projects. This is due to the growing concern about climate change.

Green Manufacturing is More Important than Ever
Green Manufacturing is More Important than Ever

The looming dangers of artificial climate change are genuine, and limitless profits today cannot come before the world we leave behind to future generations. More companies now talk of conservation and green manufacturing practices as the primary foundation of being a good corporate citizen.
